Media Kit

Are you a journalist or working in the mass-media and looking for an interesting subject?

We can supply you with ideas, we can arrange interviews, we can offer our opinion on the subject you are working on and we might be able to do even more. We showed up on TV, we were present on the radio waves and we were interviewed by many written or on-line publications.

How to reach us
It would be best if you wrote us an e-mail. We are checking our e-mail even when we're on trips, in a car, on water, on horseback and even in flight - wherever our occupation takes us.

Do you have a deadline? Call us. We are used to work with deadlines and we can work with yours too.

In the Photos page, you can find some good quality images, some of them of printing quality. If you want more images or anything else, let's talk!

You can use these images in the materials you are working on.

Please include a note next to the photo and mention the address of our site, and the name Experiențe Cadou Megamall.

Download Experiențe Cadou logo.